Queensryche brought the Origins tour to the Alamo City, performing their first EP and the Warning album in its entirety. Guitar phenom Jared James Nichols would open the show
Jared would tear up the Aztec theaters' stage with his balls-to-the-walls approach and mastery of dirty blues rock guitar. Ryan Rice – Drums and Louis Collins - Bass would complete Jared's trio.
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The Origins Tour will see Queensrÿche - singer Todd La Torre, guitarists Michael Wilton and Mike Stone, bassist Eddie Jackson, and drummer Casey Grillo perform songs from the early days of the band as well as some deep cuts that are not usually a part of a Queensryche setlist.
The band would hit the stage launching into what could be the song that set the Queensryche train rolling "Queen of the Ryche" As a fan could there be a better way to start a show than that? Todd La Torres's voice on such a challenging song was strong and powerful, and the Aztec theater crowd loved every minute of it. Mike Stone and Michael Wilton brought that classic dual guitar, harmonized soloing that is a staple in the Ryche sound, pulling it off to perfection.
Original bass player Eddie Jackson and drummer Casey Grillo would hold down the Rhythm section. Casey has some of the coolest drum kits in the business. The Warning album had a few deep cuts that, if your memory isn't so great took a minute to recall. Scanning the crowd, I was glad I wasn't the only one. As the last track of the Warning album was played (Roads to Madness) and there were still 20 minutes of show time left you had to wonder what could be next. Well "Prophecy" "Walk in the Shadows" and "Empire" would wrap up the evening.